Erika Friedl
Warm Hearts and Sharp Tongues
Life in 555 Proverbs from the Zagros Mountains of Iran

€ 17.00
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Repentance is the Death of the Wolf – 580 annotated proverbs from a Lur tribe in the Zagros mountains let readers appreciate the thematic and emotional complexity of the local people’s culture. They provide unique, authentic insights into the everyday philosophy, the thoughts, feelings and opinions local people have about themselves and the world. The author, an anthropologist, collected the sayings over the past forty years during many visits and observed the local way of life as it changed from ‚the old times‘ to modernity. Covering themes that are important for the people, such as work and hardships, life here and hereafter, relations between men and women and young and old, the book amounts to an unusually insightful ethnography of the inner lives of a little-known people, in their own words.